The lockdown in the United Kingdom now may extend beyond June 21 after the discovery of the new COVID variant named Delta. The...
Growing concerns have prompted a number of countries to pause rollout of the vaccine or limit it to older people due to...
India has now once again extended restriction on the number of flights to be allowed to and from the United Kingdom till mid-April....
Fast-spreading UK-type variants of SARS-CoV-2 could also develop independently in India. Ignorance cannot be bliss. One basic element of disease surveillance is...
पीएम बोरिस जॉनसन (Boris Johnson) ने कहा, नए किस्म का वायरस पहले के कोविड-19 से ज्यादा घातक है या नहीं और इस...
MHRA का कहना है कि ब्रिटेन के जो दुकानदार किसी भी अनाधिकृत औषधीय उत्पाद (unauthorised medicinal product) को बेच रहे हैं उनके...
A number of European countries have banned flights from the UK as the British government warned that the potent new strain of...
The recent UK government rules state that from December 15, every international arrival in the UK would have to remain in self...
The total number of coronavirus COVID-19 cases across 187 nations reached 3,784,085 and the death toll stood at 264,679 at 11.45 pm...
It has been well understood that among various countries responding to the Covid-19 outbreak, India enforced one of the strongest lockdowns at...