Since the 72-hour-mark has passed rescuers fear that chances of rescuing those alive from beneath the rubble are slim to none The...
The NDRF contingent, led by Commandant Gurminder Singh, doctors and paramedics are assisting the local authorities of Türkiye in relief and rescue...
Turkey Earthquake: More than 30 people died after a powerful earthquake that was centered about 33 kilometers (20 miles) from Gaziantep, a...
दुनिया भर में ऐसे तकरीबन डेढ़ करोड़ लोग हैं जिन्हें कोई भी देश अपना नागरिक नहीं मानता. नागरिकता विहीन लोग मूलभूत मानवीय...