The Indian government starts various types of schemes for the economically weaker people of the country, which aim to help these people...
As the first installment of the Subhadra Yojana’s third phase draws closer, Odisha Deputy Chief Minister Pravati Parida on November 13th suggested...
Mohan Charan Majhi, the chief minister of Odisha, disbursed the first installment funds for the Subhadra Yojana’s second phase on Wednesday through...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched Subhadra Yojana eligible beneficiaries to get Rs 10,000 a year: When will you get first instalment?, the...
Subhadra Yojana: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday on September 17, 2024, launched Subhadra Yojana in Odisha, a scheme aimed at empowering...
These initiatives span a diverse range of sectors including education, healthcare, entrepreneurship, and social welfare. The central and state governments have unveiled...