Mental health can have detrimental effects on your life and body. If a person suffers from stress, anxiety or depression, they might start gaining...
New Delhi | Jagran Lifestyle Desk: Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought...
Aromatherapy may help a number of conditions including stress, anxiety, headache, and nausea. Some popular aromatherapy oils include lavender, tea tree, peppermint,...
We are constantly dealing with stress, be it due to work or personal matters. This situation is only further aggravated by excessive...
Women who menstruate experienced irregularities in their menstrual cycle because of increased stress during the Covid-19 pandemic, a new study has found....
Stress, sleep and immunity are closely linked. In fact, sleep is quite vital for our cardiovascular and immune systems to function properly, as...
HIGHLIGHTS: How often have you experienced sugar cravings – post a meal your brain thinks “I need something sweet” and immediately you...
Benefits Of Meditation: मेडिटेशन के कई फायदे होते हैं. इसे करने से दिमाग को शांति मिलती है और बॉडी रिलैक्स (Body Relax)...