Lawmakers and safety advocates have pushed Snap to do more to keep dealers off of Snapchat following reports of overdoses linked to...
ये स्नैप्स (Snapchat) वर्टिकल वीडियो के फॉर्मेट में होने चाहिए जहां आपको 60 सेकेंड्स का साउंड दिया जाएगा. इसमें आपको इमेज फोटो, स्नैप्स...
नई दिल्लीः जल्द ही सोशल मैसेजिंग ऐप वाट्सऐप (Whatsapp) पर एक नया फीचर रोलआउट होने वाला है. इस फीचर की मदद से यूजर्स...
San Francisco: Photo-messaging app Snapchat has started testing a new feature that lets users set their Snaps with music, similar to what...
WhatsApp Vice President Chris Daniels on Wednesday confirmed that WhatsApp Status will indeed serve advertisements to the users worldwide. The confirmation comes...
American teenagers are starting to prefer communicating via text instead of meeting face-to-face, according to a study published Monday by the independent...