The festival’s mythological backdrop is rooted in the Durga Saptashati, where Goddess Durga is depicted as a powerful mother who combats negative...
When is Diwali 2024? Date and Time Here: This year, there will be a one-day gap between Dhanteras, celebrated on October 29,...
Pitru Paksha is observed over a period of sixteen days when auspicious rituals such as Pind Daan, Shradh and Pitru Tarpan are...
Vishwakarma Puja, a festival cherished by artisans and engineers, celebrates Lord Vishwakarma, the divine architect. Vishwakarma Puja, also known as Vishwakarma Jayanti,...
Lalita Saptami celebrates Goddess Lalita, a revered Gopi and close friend of Radha Rani, marking her birth anniversary. From date to history,...
Ekadashi in September 2024: Ekadashi holds a great religious and spiritual significance in Hindu religion. This day is considered as an auspicious day...
Families eagerly celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi, worshipping Ganesha and seeking his blessings for success and prosperity in all endeavours, making it a colourful...
Onam 2024: This 10-day festival celebrates Kerala’s annual harvest and is also associated with the legendary return of King Mahabali. The vibrant...
This year, Hartalika Teej falls on Friday, 6 September. From rituals to significance, here’s everything you need to know about this auspicious...
This year, Ganesh Chaturthi will be celebrated on September 7th. Let’s know the date, time, history and significance of this 10-day celebration...