Synopsis These secluded desert areas near the border areas are filled with tales of numerous war heroics and cultural heritage, which will...
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has granted his approval to the proposal of providing a bonus on state employees’ insurance coverage for the...
JAIPUR: The Rajasthan government colleges will have 50 new courses from this academic session with the department of higher education issuing a...
Kanhaiya Lal, a Hindu tailor, was brutally attacked by a cleaver by two Muslim men on Tuesday afternoon for allegedly putting out...
Gehlot’s attack comes after the Union Jal Shakti minister said that Pilot missed the opportunity and had the government changed, water would...
Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot has announced that all the transport tax collection centres in the state will be closed from July...
Under relentless heat wave conditions with soaring temperatures ranging above 45 degrees celsius in the sandy desert of Rajasthan since early May,...
Rajasthan Congress MLAs were moved from Udaipur to Jaipur ahead of the voting for the Rajya Sabha elections that are slated to...
A bank manager from Rajasthan was shot dead by suspected militants in South Kashmir’s Kulgam Thursday, days after a woman teacher was...
Aday after Rajasthan sports minister asked to be relieved from his post over the conduct of the CM’s principal secretary, Chief Minister...