Indian Railways has canceled many trains which were scheduled to depart on Saturday, March 11, due to various reasons including law and...
A passenger is allowed to book up to 6 tickets at a time in any of the reserved classes. A person can...
Between April 2022 and January 2023, passengers paid Railways a total of Rs 54,733 crore compared to Rs 31,634 crore last year....
In the clip, now making rounds on the internet, a shirtless man is seen attacking a passenger seated in the front row...
Video of air hostesses providing first-aid to the passenger on board went viral after an internet user shared a post to praise...
NEW DELHI: Single name passengers will not be allowed entry into the UAE any longer, according to an advisory issued by Air...
While refunding the Rs 1,35,143 ticket price to the passenger Milin Jagdishbhai Parekh, the airlines deducted Rs 44,029 as a ‘cancellation fee’...
The viral video shows an American Airlines passenger wearing a Hawaiian shirt punching the flight attendant from behind, the airline banned the...
New Delhi: The Indian railways has welcomed bids from private entities to operate 150 pairs of passenger trains through the public-private partnership...
Since the summer vacations have commenced in the country, there has been a constant increase for train reservations. Indian Railways has been...