Maharashtra has recorded the maximum 65 cases of the Omicron variant followed by Delhi at 64, Telangana 24, Karnataka 19, Rajasthan 21...
One can intimate change in address by filling up the form for Request for New PAN Card or/and Changes or Correction in...
On Tuesday, Delhi’s air quality deteriorated to 402, in the severe zone. On Monday, the average 24-hour AQI was 332, in the...
Pointing out that based on “current scientific evidence”, the Omicron variant is at least three times more transmissible than the Delta variant,...
The Indian rupee is set to end a tumultuous year as Asia’s worst-performing currency with foreign funds fleeing the nations stocks.’ New...
Mastercard and Google today announced the rollout of tokenization that will enable Google Pay users to safely transact using their Mastercard credit...
The government argued that this will safeguard the electoral process and stop bogus voting. However, the opposition cited the possible misuse of...
Pfizer/BioNTech is developing a vaccine against Omicron variant that should be out by March 2022. Paris: Three doses of a Covid vaccine may...
The bill is named The Election Laws (Amendment) Bill, 2021. New Delhi: A bill to link electoral rolls with the Aadhaar ecosystem to weed...
You must note that the banks will NOT be closed for 6 days in all states or regions, as holidays are state specific. New...