While the asteroid poses no immediate threat, its close approach is a perfect opportunity for scientists to gather valuable data about these...
Diwali, one of the most important festivals of Hindus, is not only celebrated in India but also in other countries. But this...
Researchers said the crater was formed during the Nectarian period, which dates back to 3.85 billion years and is one of the...
Sanya Malhotra captivated us all in her mother Renu Malhotra’s designed purple-coloured brocade suit at Indian Film Festival of Melbourne – See...
The new moon on August 4, 2024, marks a significant astrological event as it initiates a new lunar cycle. This new moon...
ISRO has been ‘internally’ working on a plan for the launch of the Chandrayaan-4 mission and is involved in developing a ‘novel...
Full Moon on January 25, 2024: Moon is one of the main planets among nine planets. On January 25, 2024 Full Moon is going to...
Chandrayaan-1 played a crucial role in the discovery of water molecules on the Moon. The mission, launched in 2008, was the first...
Aditya L-1 Mission Update: ISRO’s Aditya L-1 spacecraft, which is headed towards Sun, has taken pics of the Earth and Moon and...
Chandrayaan-3: ISRO on Sunday shared a graph showing the “temperature variations of the lunar surface/near-surface at various depths, as recorded during the...