World Brain Tumour Day 2024: From menstrual abnormalities to drunken gait, here are 12 lesser-known signs of brain tumour that people may...
Computer Vision Syndrome is basically resultant of digital eye strain that affects the eye health of everyone. Long hours of screentime can...
Migraine headaches can really disrupt everyday functioning. But, practising a daily dose of yoga asanas for few minutes can hel manage those...
Performing these yoga asanas will not just help you with getting rid of a headache but will also relieve muscle tensions and...
Ice cream-induced headaches can be sudden and sharp. Here are expert tips to prevent brain freeze. No matter how bad your day...
Give your painkiller a miss and try these super-easy hacks to get relief from that irritating headache. Headaches often come unannounced and can...
एक्सपर्ट्स के मुताबिक आपको 150 प्रकार का सिरदर्द हो सकता है। आइए सिरदर्द के कारण, लक्षण और इलाज के बारे में जानते...