On Tuesday, Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar announced that a heli-hub will be built in Gurugram with many aviation facilities like a...
The first EV station was opened earlier in January with a capacity of 100 charging points for four-wheelers in Sector 52 of...
In many cases, the problem could be poor quality of materials used, or poor workmanship When multiple ceilings of Tower-D of Chintels...
The residents have been asked to shift to alternative accommodations. The cost of rehabilitation of these families will be borne by the...
A housing society with over 700 flats in Gurugram, constructed by the state-owned NBCC (India) Ltd, will be demolished after it was...
The four youths, aged 18 to 21 years, started taking selfies on the track when the train was approaching. Even when the...
Residents seek random survey to ensure that incident like Chintel is not repeated in near future Sumedha Sharma Gurugram, February 11 A...
Located in sector 52 of Gurugram, the station has been installed and operated by Alektrify.The new charging station has a capacity of...
Under this partnership, Haryana will have the first digital RERA Court which will help execute and perform end-to-end Dispute Resolution Mechanism online....
Rai alleged that right after the delivery, his wife started having abdominal pain and swelling with red marks on her stomach following...