Synopsis Referring to this, the airline released a statement, stating flights on the Delhi-Hanoi route and Delhi-Ho Chi Minh City route, which...
Synopsis Referring to this, Arun Pandeya, Country Head and General Manager – Indian Subcontinent at Air Canada confirmed the development and added...
With continuous decrease in Covid-19 cases, South Korea plans to add hundreds of weekly international flights to manage the passenger inflow in...
Bhagwant Mann emphasized on the need for an immediate direct air route from Chandigarh to London to help people have a seamless...
AirAsia to start its international flight services from India to Malaysia and Thailand and will offer 20 percent off on all seats...
“In order to meet increased demands on Mumbai, Delhi and Kannur routes, Go First will be flying daily,” said Abu Dhabi Airport...
As part of its goal of increasing the number of domestic flights in India, SpiceJet has started a new daily flight between...
As one of India’s top long-haul routes, the flight between India and the United Kingdom transports millions of passengers annually, and because...
The SpiceJet airline soon to add 60 new domestic flights to its summer schedule, including seven UDAN flights, eight industry-first flights, new...
SpiceJet`s evacuation flight from Budapest with Indian students will be arriving at the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi at 6.30 pm...