While the asteroid poses no immediate threat, its close approach is a perfect opportunity for scientists to gather valuable data about these...
ISRO has been ‘internally’ working on a plan for the launch of the Chandrayaan-4 mission and is involved in developing a ‘novel...
Chandrayaan-1 played a crucial role in the discovery of water molecules on the Moon. The mission, launched in 2008, was the first...
Horoscope, September 8, 2023: Gemini, If you grumble or complain about working conditions, or about colleagues’ behaviour, you will do no more...
Aditya L-1 Mission Update: ISRO’s Aditya L-1 spacecraft, which is headed towards Sun, has taken pics of the Earth and Moon and...
“Earth viewed by Lander Imager (LI) Camera on the day of the launch and the moon, imaged by Lander Horizontal Velocity Camera...
Yesterday, it was reported that solar activity is about to pick up with a new giant sunspot coming into Earth’s view, which...
The solar storm was graded G4, the second-highest grade possible, by the US National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). It’s not every...
Today’s Moon is aligned in subtle ways with the ‘earth’ sign, Capricorn, reminding me of the ancient prophecy that the world will...
Atomic clocks, combined with precise astronomical measurements, have revealed that the length of a day is suddenly getting longer, and scientists don’t...