Zomato has rolled out a new “Delete Order” feature, responding to a customer’s request made in 2023. The update allows users to...
New Delhi: BluSmart, a leading born electric and EV Charging Infrastructure network, has rolled out a new app dubbed as ‘BluSmart Charge’ on...
In today’s fast-paced digital world, purchasing a new car involves more than just selecting a model and making a payment. One crucial...
Targets to onboard 1 million customers each month in H2; deposits to grow more than 50% YoY. Gurugram-headquartered Airtel Payments Bank is...
RBI has cautioned that fraudsters are finding new ways to defraud the gullible public through various ingenious methods. New Delhi: The Reserve...
New Delhi: India is seeing a meteoric rise in the number of digital transactions. Each month, the number of such transactions has...
The Prime Minister asked bankers to become proactive and instead of waiting for the customer to visit them, he suggested they should...
New Delhi: In a bid to safeguard the interest of the customers, country’s largest lender State Bank of India (SBI) has launched...
बलराम नायक/गरियाबंद: गरियाबंद पुलिस ने एक ऐसे शख्स को गिरफ्तार किया है जो हीरे लिए घूम रहा था. अब आप सोच रहे होंगे...
सोशल मीडिया (Social Media) पर एक ट्वीट बहुत वायरल (Viral Tweet) हो रहा है. अमेरिका (America) के मिनेसोटा (Minnesota) में रहने वाली...