World Health Organisation director Dr Michael J Ryan on Monday said that India has tremendous capacities and led the world in eradicating...
बीजिंग: पूरे देश में इस बात का शोर है कि चीन (China) से कोरोना वायरस (Coronavirus) की उत्पत्ति हुई, लेकिन इटली (Italy) के प्रसिद्ध चिकित्सा विशेषज्ञ ने एक बड़े...
The number of novel coronavirus infections is increasing rapidly on a daily basis in India with confirmed cases rising to 170 and...
The World Health Organization called on all countries on Monday to ramp up their testing programmes as the best way to slow...
New Delhi: India has temporarily suspended all the visas and e-visas granted on or before March 11 to nationals of three more coronavirus-affected...
Mainland China reported 1,886 new virus cases and 98 more deaths for a total of 1,868 in its update Tuesday, following a...
बीजिंग/ दिल्ली. चीन के वुहान शहर में बुधवार को जन्म के 30 घंटे बाद नवजात कोरोनावायरस संक्रमित पाया गया। इस वायरस से संक्रमित होने...
The virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December, has infected at least 8000 people, killed 170 and spread to places as...
An international outbreak of respiratory illness caused by a novel coronavirus has killed at least 41 people and sickened at least 1,300, according to...
JUST after 9 am in New York on Wednesday (6.30 pm IST), India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations N Syed Akbaruddin...