The food-giant registers huge numbers in terms of sales and revenue. But do you know what was the first day sales of...
Asignificant winter storm over the last several days has wreaked havoc in California, causing some cities to flood and leaving nearly 85,000...
Washington News: US President Joe Biden has declared an emergency in California as winter storms continue to pummel the most populous state in...
In an effort to draw new subscribers, Netflix will work with Microsoft to launch a cheaper subscription plan that includes advertisements. Microsoft...
Women who are infected with COVID-19 and are breastfeeding their baby have no risk of transmitting the virus through their breastmilk. California: There...
कैलिफोर्निया: अमेरिकी राज्य कैलिफोर्निया (California) ने अपने निवासियों को जल्द टीकाकरण कराने के लिए प्रेरित करने शानदार योजना निकाली है. इसके तहत 15...
पर्यटन (Tourism), जैव विविधता और अपने खास आकर्षणों के लिए यूं तो डेथ वैली हमेशा याद की जाती रही है, लेकिन पिछले...
लॉस एंजिलिस: अमेरिका के कैलिफोर्निया (California) की एक बायोटेक कंपनी का कहना है कि इसकी प्रायोगिक दवा रेमेडीसिविर को कोविड-19 (Covid-19) से मामूली रूप से बीमार, अस्पताल...
You don’t have to break the budget to treat your family to a special and memorable holiday. These travel destinations offer something...
Jennifer Lawrence, recently crowned the world’s highest-paid actress for the second year in a row, is still working on her real estate...