Indian wearable brand boAt has launched a new smartwatch dubbed Wave Pro 47, in India. The smartwatch takes inspiration from Apple Watch...
If you’re looking for Bluetooth-enabled portable speakers under Rs 5,000, here’s a list you can consider. Bluetooth-enabled portable speakers are not only...
New Delhi: At least four people died by drowning and seven others went missing after an overloaded boat capsized in the Wardha river...
U.S. private equity firm Warburg Pincus has invested about $100 million in India`s boAt, the consumer electronics firm said on Wednesday. BoAt,...
नई दिल्ली. Flipkart पर इन दिनों दिवाली सेल चल रही है. ये सेल 4 नवंबर तक चलेगी. जिसमें फ्लिपकार्ट जबरदस्त ऑफर दे रही...
इन दिनों सोशल मीडिया (Social Media) पर एक मछली (Fish) का बियर (Bee) पीते हुए वीडियो काफी तेजी से वायरल (Viral Video) हो रहा...