With nods to classic characters and a plot filled with inter-dimensional intrigue, the Spider-Man movie promises to be a web-slinging thrill ride...
In November, tens of thousands rallied in support of the king in Kathmandu, where riot police officers used batons and tear gas...
Both Trump and Biden are on their way to become their party’s presumptive nominees after Tuesday. Joe Biden and Donald Trump hope...
Imran Khan faces attack after calling for peaceful protest against alleged election fraud. False flag suspected. Political turmoil ensues Former Prime Minister...
As Ramadan began on Sunday, people are bracing themselves for a surge in essential commodities, including vegetables fruits and other essential kitchen...
In an interview with Fox News on Friday, Trump said that Biden “suffers from a terminal case of Trump derangement syndrome, which...
Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu stepped up his anti-India rhetoric and said no Indian armed personnel will remain in Maldives. Maldives President Mohamed...
Despite economic challenges, China allocates $232 billion for defence, as it views Taiwan and South China Sea as key priorities, allocating substantial...
Visitors came in busloads and carloads with over 40,000 in the morning and 25,000 during the evening. Despite the massive crowds, the...
Shehbaz Sharif poised to become Pakistan’s next PM amid coalition support, facing challenges from rival nominee Shehbaz Sharif became the prime minister...