New Delhi: The Indian Railways on Wednesday cancelled 183 trains due to operational and maintenance reasons. According to the notification from the railways, 144 trains scheduled to depart today (April 13) were fully cancelled while 39 trains were partially cancelled. The railways shared the update on IRCTC’s official website.
The train passengers must note that if the railway administration is unable to provide accommodation for any reason whatsoever to passengers holding reserved tickets, no cancellation charge shall be levied and full refund of fare shall be granted to them if such tickets are surrendered for refund within three hours from the actual departure of the train. The passengers can check the status of their trains on the IRCTC’s official website
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Complete list of fully cancelled trains on April 11:
00111 , 01813 , 01814 , 01825 , 01826 , 01827 , 01828 , 03037 , 03038 , 03092 , 03439 , 03440 , 03591 , 03592 , 04133 , 04134 , 06831 , 06838 , 07795 , 07906 , 07907 , 08303 , 08304 , 08437 , 08438 , 08705 , 08706 , 08709 , 08710 , 08737 , 08738 , 08739 , 08740 , 08754 , 08755 , 08756 , 09110 , 09113 , 09440 , 09444 , 10101 , 10102 , 11123 , 11265 , 11266 , 12179 , 12180 , 12364 , 12768 , 13012 , 13034 , 13063 , 13064 , 13146 , 13148 , 13162 , 13170 , 13421 , 13422 , 15777 , 15778 , 17317 , 17318 , 17325 , 17326 , 18175 , 18176 , 18204 , 18235 , 18236 , 18247 , 18248 , 18413 , 18414 , 18601 , 18602 , 19575 , 20948 , 20949 , 22169 , 31311 , 31312 , 31411 , 31414 , 31443 , 31450 , 31617 , 31622 , 31711 , 31712 , 32211 , 32212 , 34111 , 34112 , 34352 , 34412 , 34511 , 34711 , 34714 , 36033 , 36034 , 36811 , 36812 , 37211 , 37213 , 37214 , 37216 , 37246 , 37253 , 37305 , 37306 , 37307 , 37308 , 37309 , 37312 , 37316 , 37319 , 37327 , 37330 , 37335 , 37338 , 37343 , 37348 , 37354 , 37385 , 37386 , 37391 , 37394 , 37411 , 37412 , 37415 , 37416 , 37611 , 37614 , 37657 , 37658 , 37731 , 37732 , 37782 , 37783 , 37785 , 37786 , 52965 , 52966
Here’s how to check your station code
- Visit the official website
- Click on the station name against the station code
- You will find the station code and save the details for further updates
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Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to check the full list of cancelled trains
- Step 1: Visit and select the date of journey
- Step 2: Select Exceptional Trains on the top panel of the screen
- Step 3: Click on Cancelled Trains option
- Step 4: Select Fully or Partially option to see full list of trains with time, routes and other details.
For more information, the Railway authorities have urged the passengers to visit or NTES app to get the details of the actual arrival-departure of these cancelled trains.