
Monthly Horoscope November 2021: Virgo, Libra, Scorpio; Find out what’s in store for you in the new month


Note: Monthly horoscope is based on your ascendant sign. All the predictions are generalised in nature. If a person wants accurate and personalised predictions, a careful study of the planetary positions and a complete study of the horoscope must be done by a skilled astrologer.


Aries ascendant sign people are likely to get positive results in the workplace during the entire month. You can use your speech and words effectively to resolve ongoing conflicts. You will take more interest in religious rituals than you usually do. A lot of time will be spent with family members and distant relatives. A health problem is likely to afflict you during the month. Make sure that you do not develop a difference of opinion with your offspring. You will maintain a good understanding with your life partner but his/her temperament might create problems once in a while. This will be a month of ups and downs for those who work in the government sector. You will make good financial gains once the middle of the month is over. An earlier made investment will bring good gains. The second half of the month will bring relief to all kinds of problems. Students will have to put in a lot of effort during the initial days but the latter half brings achievements and rewards. Your expenses are set to remain high even though most of it you will spend on yourself. Control your spending. This will be an auspicious month for lovers and those who have romantic inclinations. Good news is indicated on the professional and business front. A journey is likely to get planned and undertaken.


Taurus ascendant sign people will have to face health issues throughout the month. You must remain extremely cautious about your food and drinks intake. You will have to put in a lot of extra effort in the workplace. You will maintain an upper hand over your opponents. Your expenses are set to remain high. You will make gains if you maintain congruity with your business associates. Your luck will remain favourable when it comes to making financial gains. You may wind up a loan and settle it fully. Your relationship with your family members will remain harmonious but there will be constant issues with your life partner. You will have to undertake some official journeys. Students are likely to get good results. You will feel drawn towards the people of the opposite sex. There will be positive developments in the life of lovers. Take care of your parents’ health. Salaried folks will do well in the second half of the month and you may also get promoted during that time.


Gemini sign people will  make solid gains in the workplace. You will make gains by establishing contacts with well-placed people in your professional circle. It will be good to develop a network with them. Your comforts are set to improve further. Some of you are likely to plan the purchase of a new apartment or a vehicle. Take care of your health as you may have to cope with stomach-related issues. Your offspring is likely to give you good news. If you have been trying to have a baby, your efforts will get positive results. You are likely to receive money from additional sources. Students will secure success in their endeavours. Your expenses are set to remain high during the second half of the month. Folks in government jobs will get auspicious results. Your familial life will remain pleasant. Your bond with your life partner will get stronger. Those who are in love will experience the bliss of romance and seal their relationship. Keep yourself away from all kinds of immoral and illegal acts.


Cancer ascendant sign people will have to shoulder an unusually large number of responsibilities. Salaried folks are likely to get new job offers. You may remain a little worried about your financial standing. There will be strong chances of an increase in your property holdings. Your senior officers will offer wise counsel and support. If you had applied for a loan recently, it is likely to come through. Married folks will make gains on account of their in-laws. A minor health issue is likely to trouble you throughout the month. There will be mixed experiences in your marital relationship. Lovers or those who want to start a new relationship should remain on guard. Students will get good results during the second half of the month. Those who are trying to seek admission in higher education institutions are likely to secure success. Some of you are likely to get a project in a foreign country. Maintain congruity and harmony with your family members.


Leo ascendant sign people will make monetary gains in abundance. You may get an increment or your earnings will improve. Your health will remain fine. If you have been facing an issue, it is likely to get cured. A change is possible in the workplace. Your life partner will support you by all means. Lovers under this ascendant sign are likely to seek the blessings of their family elders and get a ready nod. Students are likely to make achievements throughout the month. You will make gains on account of the investments made by you. Your offspring will support you adequately. Do not take any decision in a fit of rage or while feeling arrogant. Once the middle of the month is over, you will start making gains in the property sector. Your personality will improve and you will earn fame in the social sphere. You may have to spend money to buy items of comfort and pleasure. You will strengthen your relationship with your brothers and sisters. Take care of your father’s health throughout the month. You will feel interested in religious rituals and knowledge.


Virgo sign people will receive good news on the professional front. You will make sure that all your family members have a comfortable life and will spend money to enhance that factor. You will spend to increase comfort for yourself too. Make any decision in a familial context only after careful thought and reflection. Business people are likely to get mixed results throughout the month. You will get curious about a few new subjects. You will make money from some unusual sources. The inflow of money will enable you to strengthen your financial profile. There will be some ups and downs on the health front. Too much running around in the workplace is likely to make you feel physically exhausted. You will maintain an upper edge over your enemies and they will not be able to harm you in any manner.  If there are problems in your personal life, they will get resolved. Your confidence and valour will increase once the middle of the month is over. The end of the month will bring a sudden and phenomenal rise in your expenses which will give you jitters.


Libra sign people will remain very confident throughout the month. You will get auspicious results in the workplace. There are chances of a transfer or a change in place for salaried folks. Your senior officers will support you in the workplace. Traders will expand the outreach of their trading activities. It will serve you right to keep your anger and unnecessary stress under control. Your health will remain fine but stay mindful about what you eat and drink. Moderation should be your mantra. You will be drawn towards spiritual pursuits. Your financial position will get stronger towards the middle of the month. You may have to spend money to buy the items of comfort and pleasure. Your conjugal life will remain pleasant. Your life partner will make gains in her workplace on account of your favourable stars. You are likely to earn prestige in your routine activities. If there was something to worry about your offspring, you will manage to overcome that. You will make solid gains on account of the help extended by your brothers and sisters.


Scorpio ascendant sign people are likely to make solid occupational gains this month. You may spend money to enhance comforts in your house and renovate it. This will be a great month for professionals. You will do very well in your existing job and also receive new job offers. Your senior officers will bless you. You will extend help to others and will truly serve social causes. You are likely to be honoured and gain popularity especially if you are working in the field of social welfare and development. You will develop a network with senior officers in government and with political leaders. Your offspring will bring cheer to you. Students will get the appropriate result of the hard work put in by them. Your familial life will remain pleasant and harmonious. You may set out on a pilgrimage with your family members. Your health will remain fine but unnecessary running around may give you physical exhaustion and you may eat things that may not agree with your stomach. Be cautious. Your financial profile will acquire strength. A sudden gain is possible. You are advised to control anger and lethargy.


Sagittarius ascendant sign people will make solid gains in the workplace. You will get some excellent opportunities in your job or business. Some of you are likely to start a new trade. Your life partner’s support will prove beneficial. Your marital life will have harmony, support and excitement. You will feel content. Students will have to work hard in order to secure success. Students can turn things in their favour if they work persistently and that is the advice for them to continue working without getting distracted or discouraged. Your offspring will support you and do good things for you. A senior friend or an officer may do a favour and bless you. There will be some problems on the health front. If you have been facing a health issue, you must take precautions as well as medicines. Your income is set to improve significantly. Good news is possible on the property front about your apartment or land deal. There will be positive developments in your romantic relationships. If you are single and want to tie the knot, this may be the month of wish fulfilment. There is a likelihood of some unnecessary expenses.


Capricorn sign people are likely to get some solid options on the career front. If you have been vouching for some kind of change in your job, you will succeed in your efforts. Your expenses are set to remain high. Your familial and marital life will remain pleasant. You will do well by maintaining congruence with your life partner. Those who have professional connections with foreign countries will get good opportunities and make gains. You will feel very attracted towards the people of the opposite sex. You will be extravagant and won’t hesitate in spending over the items of comfort and material pleasure. A fun trip may get planned and executed this month. Take care of your offspring’s health this month. Some kind of distancing is possible between you and your offspring. Students will have to burn midnight oil this month. You may plan to purchase or sell a property this month. On the health front, there will be physical exhaustion and muscular discomfort throughout the month. A big gain is possible at the end of the month that too very suddenly.


Aquarius sign people will be blessed with a fortunate stroke of luck. You are likely to do exceptionally well in the workplace and clinch some important deals. Your senior officers will appreciate your contribution. If you were facing a problem in your existing job, it is likely to get resolved. You are likely to spend a considerable time performing religious rituals. You will make good profit on account of financial schemes and investments. Some of you are likely to get your love affair stamped by your family elders and the plunge to get married. Students are likely to make achievements in their education. If there are problems in the life of your offspring, they will get resolved. Those who are desirous of having a kid will succeed in their goal. Your familial and marital life will remain pleasant. There will be normalcy on the health front but running around may give you physical exhaustion and body ache. There will be several sudden moments of making monetary gain and you must take full benefit of them. 


Pisces sign people will make solid gains in their professional field. You may also receive new job offers. If you have been making efforts to acquire a new business deal or get into a new trade, you will surely succeed. This will be a month of wishes come true. Your colleagues will cooperate with you adequately. Keep your angry outbursts and arrogance under control. Your familial and marital life will remain normal. Take care of your health and if you drive, you must remain cautious against getting injured. Any kind of property-related wrangles will get resolved and will bring in financial gains. Students will get mixed results in their field. There will be chances of making sudden monetary gains. You may purchase new furniture or other items of domestic need. The rise in expenses towards the end of this month will be a source of worry. A social welfare activity will earn you prestige and honour. An official trip is indicated in the stars. Your financial position will get stronger. 

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