Reserved Indian Railways train ticket for Vistadome coaches can be booked on the IRCTC website or the IRCTC train ticket booking app.
Indian Railways has has introduced Vistadome coaches in many trains passing through scenic routes like Araku Valley in Andhra Pradesh, Himalayan West Bengal, Kalka Shimla Rail, Mumbai-Goa route, Mangaluru-Bengaluru route, etc. Recently Indian Railways also introduced a Vistadome coach in Jabalpur Jan Shatabadi train. So far, 33 Vistadome coaches are attached to various pairs of trains. Some passengers still wonder how to get train ticket to travel in Vistadome caoches. Reserved Indian Railways train ticket for Vistadome coaches can be booked on the IRCTC website or the IRCTC train ticket booking app.
IRCTC Ticket booking for Vistadome coaches: Here’s is how you can book tickets –
- Visit IRCTC Website
- Login by entering your username and password and captcha as given
- Once you login, enter details such as to and from stations, journey date and category
- In the Class section, only select AC Chair Car or Executive Chair Car to book Vistadome coaches. Uncheck all other classes
- Once you fill these details, you will see train ticket fare details displayed
- To book Vistadome train ticket, click on “Book Now” button which is given under the availability option
- Next page will display Passenger Details, Review Booking and Payment options.
Vistadome coach fare
According to Indian Railways circular dated 06 September 2021 the base fare of Vistadome AC coaches is 1.1 times of base fare of executive class of Shatabdi Express trains. Other charges such as reservation fee, superfast charge, Goods and Services Tax (GST), etc., as applicable for EC class shall be levied separately. There is no concession in the Vistadome coach fare and all passengers are charged full fare. Minimum chargeable distance is 50 km. In Vistadome coaches, normal child fare rules are applied. Normal cancellation and refund rule as applicable for the Executive Class are applicable in for Vistadome coaches as well.
The Vistadome coaches were introduced by the Indian Railways to promote tourism in the various section of India’s train network. Vistdadome coaches are attached with trains which connect various tourist destinations. The coaches have all the modern amenities for passengers.