After Apple launched the iPhone 16 series in 2024, all eyes are now on the upcoming iPhones. Next year’s launch is even more exciting as the company is rumoured to revamp the iPhone 17 series. For the first time, the company is planning to replace the Plus models with an Air version. Just like the iPad Air and MacBook Air, the iPhone 17 Air will come with a slim design language. In fact, the rumour has it that this iPhone will be the slimmest one in the Apple-verse, thanks to the 5-6mm thickness. However, earlier, the speculations were that being the slimmest iPhone, it would be priced higher than Pro models. But, the latest report by The Wall Street Journal has rejected these previous rumours.
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According to the WSJ report, the iPhone 17 is expected to cost just like the Plus variants and lower than the Pro models. The report stated that this new model will be positioned as a more affordable option compared to the Pro versions, featuring a simplified camera system to help lower production costs.
The report also highlights that the iPhone 17 Air will provide an option for consumers who prefer a slimmer design and are willing to accept some trade-offs. Apple is clearly placing a strong emphasis on the ultra-thin form factor as a key selling point for its visual appeal.
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iPhone 17 Air price expected
The iPhone 16 Pro currently starts at $999 (Rs 84,750), which suggests that the iPhone 17 Air could be priced similarly to the iPhone 16 Plus it will replace, likely around the $900 mark (Rs 76,350). In India, the iPhone 16 Pro starts at Rs 1,19,900. Hence, the iPhone 17 Air in the country could be priced around Rs 89,900.
iPhone 17 Air: What to expect
The iPhone 17 Air is expected to feature a refreshed design, retaining the sleek and sophisticated aesthetic of its predecessors. Rumours suggest the introduction of a titanium frame, which could make the device both lighter and more durable. The phone is also likely to sport a larger 6.6-inch Super Retina XDR OLED display, promising richer colours and deeper contrasts. In addition, Apple may finally incorporate a 120Hz refresh rate, offering a smoother and more responsive user experience.
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Significant camera upgrades are anticipated, including a 48-megapixel primary sensor and a 24-megapixel front-facing camera. Leaks indicate that the iPhone 17 Air will be powered by Apple’s new A19 chip, manufactured using the advanced 3nm process similar to the A18. This chip is expected to deliver substantial improvements in both performance and energy efficiency.
Analysts forecast that the A19 chip will enhance multitasking, gaming, and graphics performance, making the iPhone 17 Air well-suited for demanding applications. Additionally, advancements in machine learning could boost the device’s capabilities in areas such as photography and augmented reality, further enriching the overall user experience.
The iPhone 17 Air is likely to be unveiled in September 2025, although details and rumours are expected to evolve as the launch date approaches.