‘Donald Trump Is A Fascist, Unfit to Serve’: Kamala Harris At Pennsylvania Town Hall Event

US Vice President and presidential candidate Kamala Harris on Thursday referred to her rival and presidential nominee Donald Trump as a “fascist” and called him “increasingly unstable” as she addressed his reported praise for Adolf Hitler and faced voters’ questions on Trump’s suitability for office, at a CNN-hosted town hall event in Pennsylvania.

Asked by CNN host Anderson Cooper if she thought Trump was a “fascist,” Harris quickly responded, “Yes, I do. And I also believe that the people who know him best on this subject should be trusted. I do believe Trump is increasingly unstable and unfit to serve.”

Referring to an earlier revelation by John Kelly, the Trump White House’s longest-serving chief of staff, wherein he had told The New York Times how Trump once remarked that “Hitler did some good things too” and that instead of the US military, he “wanted generals like Adolf Hitler”, Harris said, “People who worked with him (Trump), all Republicans who served in his staff, including his former Chief of Staff, former Vice President, all have called him unfit to serve.”

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With Trump’s rivals raising concerns about his willingness to honour American democracy, Kelly had also said that he believes his ex-boss “certainly falls into the general definition of fascist.”

“John Kelly, longest serving Chief of Staff, a four-star Marine general is telling Americans that Trump is unfit to serve,” Harris said.

“All of them have said explicitly that Trump has contempt for the Constitution of the United States. They have said he should never again serve as president of the United States.”

“It’s his 911 call to Americans. Imagine Trump in the Oval Office has openly admired, dictators, he is a fascist to the core,” she said.

Speaking on Trump denouncing antisemitism in America in mid-September during an event, Harris said, “I published a hate crime report on antisemitism. We need laws in place so that people who commit hate crimes are punished, and laws to ensure college students are safe. Again I ask you to listen to John Kelly, he says Trump wanted them to behave like Hitler’s generals.”

“I believe that Trump is dangerous. Someone who asks why his generals can’t be like Hitler’s generals is a serious thing. He admires dictators, writing love letters to Kim Jong Un,” Harris said.

“John Kelly had also spoken about the January 6 US Capitol riots, and Trump unleashing a violent mob on Capitol Hill. The Americans deserve a president who doesn’t compare himself in an admiring way to Hitler,” she added.

Responding to a question of if Trump wins, Harris said, “He’s going to sit there, unstable and unhinged, plotting his revenge. Plotting his retribution, creating an enemies list.”

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Harris contrasted that with Trump’s record on border security, where she mocked him for failing to fulfill his promise to build a border wall across the United States’ southern border and make Mexico pay for it.

“I think of what he did and how he did it didn’t make much sense because he didn’t do much of anything,” she said.


Harris also pushed back on the idea that she was soft on border security and immigration, saying “people have to earn it” in gaining American citizenship and that she wanted “to strengthen our border.”

The US Vice President was also asked about the record number of illegal border crossings that occurred during the Biden administration despite multiple executive orders, to which Harris argued that the Biden administration, and she personally, believed that executive actions were just short-term solutions and that a long-term fix could only happen through a bipartisan agreement in Congress. She stressed the need for a large bipartisan bill on border security.

“Let’s just fix the problem,” Harris said multiple times.

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At the event, Harris said, “My administration will not be a continuation of the Joe Biden administration. I bring to this role my own ideas and my own experience.”

After ticking off a few major policy plans, like having Medicare cover home health care for the elderly, Harris returned to what she described as “a new approach.”

“I represent a new generation of leadership on a number of issues and believe that we have to actually take new approaches. I bring a whole set of different experiences to this job,” she said.

Speaking on inflation in the US, Harris said, “To bring down the cost of living, I will bring down grocery prices, create a new approach by banning companies from jacking up prices, also a new approach to housing and rentals, address how corporations are buying blocks of land to jack up prices.”

“I would also invest in people’s dreams of ownership, work with the private sector, developers,” she said.

On accomplishing one policy goal that would require Congressional action, Harris said, “We got to get past partisan politics, we got to work across the aisle, it’s my commitment to work with Democrats and Republicans on whether a woman has right over her body, for American-based industries where Americans have the right to jobs.”

Kamala Harris’s sudden entry into the election campaign in late July shook the country, which was expecting a rematch between Biden and Trump.

While Trump hammers home his promises of a migrant crackdown and economic good times after a period of high inflation, the Harris campaign has targeted his mental and physical fitness for the Oval Office while she courts moderate Republican voters.

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