How Laptop And Mobile Use Is Affecting Your Bone Health? 5 Things To Know

The rise in smartphone and laptop usage is leading to a growing number of bone-related problems. Know about five different kinds of bone issues linked to this condition.

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Our day-to-day lives are highly intertwined with technology and prolonged use of electronic devices to perform day-to-day activities. This can take a heavy toll on our bone health causing unbearable pain. People often tend to sit in poor posture while using smartphones, tablets, laptops, and televisions for longer duration. One can experience excessive pain in the spine and neck resulting in musculoskeletal disorders. If neglected, it can put too much strain on our joints and bones contributing to chronic (long-term) pain followed by severe conditions like osteoarthritis.

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5 Bone Problems Caused by Excessive Screen Time

  1. Carpel tunnel syndrome: It is a condition that occurs due to intense pressure on the median nerve in the wrist. Repeatedly using your fingers to type on keyboards or smartphones for hours can cause a numbing and tingling sensation. One may find it challenging to maintain a strong grip on objects or carry things due to weakness in the muscles. If CTS is left untreated it can permanently cause disability and impairment of the hand/wrist
  2. Tech neck: This condition refers to pain and discomfort caused due to staring at your electronic devices like laptops or mobile devices for an extended period. When your head tilts forward it puts extreme strain on your neck muscles and cervical spine. One can experience difficulty in moving from side to side or up and down without taking additional effort. People shouldn’t ignore symptoms like stiffness in the shoulder, persistent headache especially at the base of the skull, and limited range of motion in the arms and wrist.
  3.  Osteoporosis of the spine: Sitting in bad posture in one place for a lengthy period can significantly cause severe harm to your spine. This can not only weaken your bones but also increase your risk of fractures or injuries more easily. people who are obsessively glued to their screens or electronic devices without taking necessary breaks or engaging in physical activities may develop spine deformities and pain.
  4. Tendinitis: Using your hands on a keyboard or mouse can, not only cause pain but also inflammation of the tendons in the wrist and hand. Can lead to tennis elbow or trigger fingers or wrist synovitis. It is often overlooked as a normal pain that may ease out on its own. However, delaying medical treatment can only worsen your symptoms, which will be followed by intense pain.
  5.  Repetitive strain injury (RSI): As the name suggests, repetitively putting extreme strain on your muscles, tendons, and nerves can lead to several conditions. It significantly affects the soft tissues, further contributing to bone problems over time. If neglected, it can cause misalignment of the spine, indicating underlying health conditions like scoliosis or kyphosis

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