Life Style

7-Second Coffee Trend For Weight Loss: Is It Effective? All You Need To Know

Another weight loss trend emphasises how black coffee may help with weight loss. But is that sufficient for a sustainable weight loss?

A new health trends has arrived on the fitness block and it is called the – 7 second coffee rule. After 2-2-2, OMAD Dukan Diet, this new fitness trend emphasizes how black coffee can help weight loss. Such viral trends keep coming, evolving and then ebb away. But how much of it is a credible and healthy way to lose weight is the question. Black is often recommended on the weight loss diet but only in moderation.

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What is 7-Second Coffee Rule For Weight Loss?

These trends go viral in no time with the coming of an internet age. Speaking of the latest trends, this weight loss technique has taken social media by storm already.This technique builds on the premise that if you experience hunger pang, brew yourself a cup of black coffee with additional ingredients like lemon, cinnamon etc within seven seconds of the craving.

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People advocating the trend claim that this rapid intake of black coffee helps to curb the hunger pangs and can temporarily satiate your hunger. But, one must be mindful about the fact that there is still lack of enough research to back up the positives of this weight loss trend.

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According to the proponents, drinking black coffee stimulates release of hormones like dopamine and adrenaline that may temporarily suppress the appetite. However, it will only reduce your hunger for a brief time period due t the established relation between hunger hormones and caffeine.

But one must remember that fad diets can only help to see the results temporarily and often these are not essentially the right way for a sustainable weight loss.

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