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Low Immunity To Obesity, 5 Key Signs That Indicate Micronutrient Deficiency In Your Child

Micronutrient deficiencies can manifest in various, impacting everything from immunity to weight management. Understanding these signs can help you take proactive steps to support your child’s growth and development.

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Nutrients help maintain the proper functioning of various parts of the body including bones, skin, muscles, and nerves. When the body does not get enough micronutrients such as vitamin D, zinc, iron, calcium, and magnesium, children can develop micronutrient deficiencies that require timely intervention. Since the body can produce these nutrients, it is essential to include nutrient-rich foods in a child’s diet. Although required in smaller quantities, micronutrients such as vitamin D, zinc and iron are vital for children’s growth and development, which is why they are known as micronutrients. Micronutrient deficiencies are a common concern affecting a large number of children across the country.

What Causes Micr0nutrient Deficiency in Children?

Dr. Prashant Moralwar, Consultant Pediatrician, Motherhood Hospital Kharghar spoke and share, “There can be various reasons that could result in micronutrient deficiency such as not eating foods that are rich in nutrients such as calcium, iron, and zinc, can oftentimes lead to micronutrient deficiency. Being a picky eater as a child can result in missing out on various foods that are healthy and packed with nutrients like leafy vegetables. Certain diseases or conditions like the common cold, flu, and viral infection can cause loss of appetite in children.”


  • · Low energy
  •  Throwing constant tantrums or being cranky
  •  Loss of appetite or throwing up instantly after eating, especially when feeling sick
  • Obesity, as a nutrient deficiency, can generate a sense of always being hungry, and being unsatisfied no matter how much they eat
  • Dry and frizzy hair
  • Slow healing of the wounds or the scars
  • Frequently falling sick irrespective of healthy eating habits

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Tips to Manage Micronutrient Deficiency in Children

The most common deficiencies are protein, iron, vitamin D, zinc, calcium, potassium, and fiber. It is essential for individuals or parents to wisely make food choices while ensuring that all nutritional deficiencies are addressed. Fruits like apples, pears, and berries are packed with the goodness of potassium and fiber which are essential for building muscles and help resolve constipation or gas-related problems. Eating protein-rich food like eggs, dairy products, and green leafy vegetables can help manage and maintain the problem of protein deficiency in children. Micronutrients like iron and vitamin D can be easily found in foods like spinach, chickpeas, flaxseeds, soybeans, and watermelons. Children with a deficiency of zinc and calcium should try eating more dairy products like milk, paneer, buttermilk, and yogurt for better results.

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