Muscle Pain Relief To Reducing Stress, 5 Benefits Of Taking Salt Water Bath

From relaxation, therapeutic, and healing properties to their ability to boost overall health, adding salt to your regular bathwater can do wonders and calm your body and mind.

Have you been feeling sore lately or maybe a little stressed? If so, you will be surprised to know that the solution is right in your bathroom. Wondering what it could be? It is nothing but a saltwater bath. This age-old practice has been used for centuries for its purported health benefits.

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From relaxation, therapeutic and healing properties to their ability to boost overall health, adding salt to your regular bucket of bathwater can do wonders and calm your body and mind. Moreover, experts recommend repeating the salt water bath two to three times a week.

Meanwhile, associate director, of orthopaedics and joint replacement, Dr Akhilesh Yadav, shared that a saltwater bath may benefit people with back pain, especially Epsom salt. Dr Yadav further explained, “When dissolved in warm bath water, Epsom salts, made of magnesium sulphate, can help the body absorb magnesium better. This can help ease pain by reducing inflammation and relaxing muscles. Saltwater baths can also ease tension and muscle pain,” reported the Indian Express.

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In this article, let’s dive in and explore some of the most commonly cited benefits and why a saltwater soak might be just what you need:

Benefits of Salt Water Bath

  1. Relieve muscle stiffness and pain in joints-Soaking in warm water with salt can help relax tight muscles and reduce inflammation. This can be especially helpful for people who suffer from chronic pain conditions like arthritis.
  2. Helps to manage stress and anxiety- Salt works wonders as a stress reliever, and taking a bath in saltwater is a well-known way to relax and destress. The combination of water and the minerals in salt helps the brain produce stress-relieving neurotransmitters like serotonin because of its high magnesium content.
  3. Stimulate circulation- Soaking in warm water with sea/rock salts can help increase blood circulation, which can improve overall health. It boosts your blood flow and has many therapeutic benefits for your body. It can also reduce blood pressure, boost your immune system, help nerve function, and potentially lower the risk of heart disease.
  4. Promotes sleep-A saltwater bath can help promote sound sleep by accelerating the melatonin production process. The next time you have difficulties getting a deep sleep, consider taking a hot bath with Epsom salts.
  5. Skin inflammation or irritation- A saltwater bath can be used to soothe eczema, psoriasis, and athlete’s foot to reduce skin inflammation and irritation.

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Steps to take a Salt Water Bath

  • Run lukewarm water and fill half a bucket with it.
  • Add a handful of sea, rock, or Epsom salt to this water and wait until it completely dissolves.
  • Now, take a bath and soak your entire body from forehead to toe.
  • Enjoy the relaxation effect for up to 20–30 minutes, and make sure to avoid your eyes and hair, as salt water may cause extreme dryness to your hair.
  • Then, proceed to take a regular bath with soap or body wash.

Another way to enjoy the benefits of saltwater is as a foot soak. Fill a large tub with lukewarm water, add a few drops of any essential oils, and half a cup of rock/sea salt, and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

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