Kenya Violence: Five killed, Dozens Injured, Check Out What Triggered The Protest

The Indian Embassy in Kenya advised the Indian nationals to avoid going the areas affected by the protests.

New Delhi: Massive chaos has engulfed the street of the Kenyan Parliament as protests against the new tax hike turned extremely violent and several casualties were also reported, CNN reported.

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At least five people were killed and 31 injured during the in Kenya on Tuesday, CNN reported while citing a joint statement released by several human rights groups.

The statement was released by Amnesty International Kenya, the Kenya Medical Association, the Law Society of Kenya and the Police Reforms Working Group Kenya.

“Despite the assurance by the government that the right to assembly would be protected and facilitated, today’s protests have spiralled into violence. Human rights observers and medical officers have reported several incidents of human rights violations,” the statement said, as per ANI reports.

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Amid violent protests in Kenya, internet disruptions have also been reported.

NetBlocks, the internet watchdog group, has reported a significant disruption to internet connectivity in Kenya, just hours after protesters marched towards Parliament, ANI reported

Due to the rising violence against a tax hike, India has also issued an advisory for its nationals in Kenya. The Indian Embassy in Kenya on Tuesday advised the Indian nationals there to “exercise utmost caution, restrict non-essential movement and avoid the areas affected by the protests and violence till the situation clears up.”

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“In view of the prevailing tense situation, all Indians in Kenya are advised to exercise utmost caution, restrict non-essential movement and avoid the areas affected by the protests and violence till the situation clears up,” the Embassy stated, ANI reported.

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