Rising heatwave in Delhi-NCR has taken a toll on health as well. Here is how extreme temperature may affect heart patients.
Rising heatwave in Delhi, Noida, Rajasthan and other parts of India has now taken a toll on health. Recently Delhi touched nearly 50 degree Celsius and more and more health related issues are being reported in hospitals and clinics. Extreme temperature can lead to heatstroke. A heatstroke occurs when the body is unable to manage the body temperature and it soars to 104 degrees Fahrenheit. If not treated on time, it may turn fatal as well. Heatwave can affect the health in several ways. According to a report by World Health Organisation (WHO),” the number of people exposed to extreme heat is growing exponentially due to climate change in all world regions. Heat-related mortality for people over 65 years of age increased by approximately 85% between 2000–2004 and 2017–2021.”
“A heatwave is a period where local excess heat accumulates over a sequence of unusually hot days and nights. Heatwaves and prolonged excess heat conditions are increasing in frequency, duration, intensity and magnitude due to climate change. Even low and moderate intensity heat waves can impact the health and well-being of vulnerable populations.”
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How Heatwave May Impact Heart Health?
Extreme temperature can put more pressure on the heart. It may stress out the cardiovascular system increasing the chances of heart attack, irregular heart beat etc. Additional pressure comes on the heart when the body tries to cool down the temperature to manage through the heatwave.
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5 Ways to Manage Heart Health Amid Heatwave
- Stay hydrated: The golden rule to be fit and healthy in summer is to keep the body hydrated. Increase water and fluid intake. Have drinks like coconut water to maintain a healthy electrolyte.
- Regular Exercise: An active lifestyle is the need of the hour given the contemporary sedentary lifestyle most of us have. Engaging in regular cardiovascular exercises, yoga etc can help the heart I enhanced blood and oxygen flow. It further will lower risk of heart attack and reduce risk of other ailment as well.
- Manage Cholesterol: Another essential tip to keep the heart healthy in summer is top manage cholesterol levels. Incorporate diet and lifestyle habits that reduce LDL and bad cholesterol and focus on improving good cholesterol or HDL levels naturally. It will help lower risk of heart attack.
- Hydrating and Nutrient-Rich Diet: Add foods, fruits that are super hydrating and also nutrient rich. Focus on more vitamin, protein and fibre to build immunity and keep digestion in check. It further will impact heart health as well.
- Restful Sleep: A restful sleep is important for the body’s recovery from full day’s stress. When the body clock is well established it helps to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm – sleep and wake cycle.