A simple step-by-step guide to send emojis using voice on Android, iPhones

Although voice dictation has advanced significantly in recent years, its use is still somewhat restricted, particularly in situations where certain accents are difficult for the tools to recognise. Even while voice texting is always an option, adding an emoji to a text message can be challenging at best.

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Most of the time, the voice-to-text feature transmits the emoji as text since the name of the emoticon you want to add is not as you want. If you want to discover the proper names for the most popular emojis on Android and iOS, visit Emojipedia. Here is a little tutorial that will assist you in adding emoticons to voice inputs without making your message difficult to understand.

To include emojis in an iPhone voice message, follow these steps:

1. Open the app in which you wish to type or send a message.

2. In the text area where you are typing, hit the microphone icon on your keyboard to activate dictation.

3. Now, pronounce the message you wish to send and the name of the emoji, followed by the term “emoji”.

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How to use an Android device’s voice memo app to include emojis

You may apply this method on practically any phone or tablet that runs Android because the procedure is essentially the same on all Android devices.

1. Launch the app on your device and start typing the message.

2. Press the microphone icon on your keyboard.

3. At this point, you may begin narrating your message and explain the emoji you wish to add by only using the word “emoji” after the emoji’s name.

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If you are having a hard time making Google‘s text-to-speech functionality understand what you are saying, press the gear icon, tap on “Languages” and select the language or accent you speak in.

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