PM KUSUM Yojana: Financial assistance for farmers – Full details from

PM KUSUM Yojana: In a significant move towards ensuring energy security for farmers and promoting renewable energy, the Indian government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan (PM-KUSUM) Scheme. This initiative is part of India’s commitment to increase the share of installed capacity of electric power from non-fossil-fuel sources to 40% by 2030, aligning with the country’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), according to

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Components of the PM-KUSUM Scheme

Component-A: Decentralized Renewable Energy Power Plants

This component focuses on setting up 10,000 MW of decentralized grid-connected renewable energy power plants on barren or fallow land. Individual farmers, groups of farmers, cooperatives, panchayats, Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs), and Water User Associations (WUAs) can install renewable energy power plants ranging from 500 kW to 2 MW. These plants can also be installed on cultivable land with the innovative approach of mounting them on stilts, allowing crops to be grown underneath the solar panels. The renewable energy projects will be located within a five-kilometre radius of substations to minimize the cost of sub-transmission lines and reduce transmission losses. The power generated will be purchased by local DISCOMs at a pre-fixed tariff.

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Component-B: Stand-alone Solar Agriculture Pumps

This component aims to install 17.50 lakh stand-alone solar agriculture pumps. Individual farmers will receive support to install standalone solar pumps with a capacity of up to 7.5 HP, replacing existing diesel pumps or irrigation systems in off-grid areas where grid supply is unavailable. While pumps with a capacity higher than 7.5 HP can be installed, financial support will be limited to the capacity of 7.5 HP.

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Component-C: Solarisation of Grid-Connected Agriculture Pumps

Under this component, 10 lakh grid-connected agriculture pumps will be solarised. Farmers with grid-connected pumps will be supported to install solar panels. The solar power generated will be used to meet the irrigation needs, with any excess power sold to DISCOMs at a pre-fixed tariff.

The PM-KUSUM Scheme’s scope was modified based on insights gained from its first year of implementation, ensuring its effectiveness and farmer-centric approach. This scheme represents a significant step towards sustainable agriculture and energy self-reliance for farmers, contributing to India’s broader renewable energy goals.

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