Realme is all set to launch the Narzo 70 Pro in India this month. The Chinese smartphone manufacturer has a dedicated microsite on Amazon for the release of the Realme Narzo 70 Pro smartphone. Realme is now slowly unveiling the specifications and other features of its upcoming smartphone via teasers on Amazon. According to the Amazon microsite, the upcoming Realme Narzo 70 Pro will come with a flat-screen and slim bezels. It will also feature a hole-punch display design. On the rear, it sports a circular camera island which reminds of its predecessor, the Realme Narzo 60 Pro.
According to the microsite, this will be the segment’s first smartphone to feature a glass design. It also claims to be the first smartphone in this segment to feature a Sony IMX890 camera. Additionally, users will also find the volume rocker and power button on the right side of the smartphone.
It will be launched in the month of March. Let us now have a look at the expected details and features that the phone will come with.
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Realme Narzo 70 Pro Expected Features & Other Details
The smartphone is expected to run on MediaTek’s Dimensity 7050 chipset, boasting a 6.7-inch AMOLED display with a 120 Hz refresh rate and backed by a 5,000 mAh battery. Furthermore, there is speculation that the phone might be powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7S Gen 2 and operate on Android v14.
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The forthcoming smartphone is set to mark its entry into the Indian market with advanced 5G capabilities. Notably, it will be equipped with a powerful 50 MP sensor featuring Optical Image Stabilisation (OIS) for enhanced photography. An exciting addition to its features is the inclusion of Air Gestures, enabling users to engage with the user interface through intuitive hand movements.
As per available information, the Air Gestures functionality is anticipated to offer a diverse set of over 10 distinct gestures, expanding the scope of intuitive controls beyond conventional touch-based input methods.