PM Kisan Yojana 16th Installment: Prime Minister Narendra Modi released the 16th installment of the PM Kisan Yojana on February 28. In case, a farmers have not received Rs 2,000 yet, they can register a complaint. Steps have been given below.
PM Kisan Yojana: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, February 28, released the 16th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. The money — Rs 2,000 — was deposited directly into the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. In total, the government transfers Rs 6,000 per year to eligible farmers.
However, some farmers have not received Rs 2,000 yet. If you are also one of them then you can register a complaint against it.
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According to the PM Kisan FAQs, beneficiaries, whose names are uploaded on the PM Kisan portal by the concerned State / UT governments in a particular 4-monthly period, shall be entitled to receive the benefit for that period with effect from that 4-monthly period itself.
If they do not receive the payment of installment pertaining to that 4-monthly period and subsequent installments for any reason, except due to rejection for falling within the exclusion criteria, they are entitled to receive the benefits of all the due installments as and when the cause of delay is removed / resolved.
However, before filing the complaint, beneficiaries must check their name in the list. Steps to check name in the beneficiary list are given below.
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PM Kisan Yojana: Beneficiary List
If you want to check your name on the list, here’s the step-by-step guide for you:
Step 1: Visit the official website of PM Kisan Yojana –
Step 2: Click on the ‘Beneficiary Status’ tab available on the home page
Step 3: Choose one option – either Aadhaar number, Account number, or Mobile number
Step 4: Click on ‘Get Data’
Step 5: The beneficiaries will be able to see the data.
If a farmer’s name is in the list and still he/she has not received the money, then he/she can lodge a complaint. Details are given below
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PM Kisan Yojana: Register Complaint
To register a complaint, you can call or email the number or address given below
Email ID: [email protected]. and [email protected]
Helpline no: 011-24300606,155261
Toll-free number: 1800-115-526
Note: For more details and updates, visit the official website.