Vande Bharat Special Weekly Trains are to operate between Chennai and Mysore via Bengaluru. Check Dates, Timings and Reservation Details
New Delhi: Vande Bharat is one of the most popular and fast trains in the country and Indian Railways has been adding new trains on different routes regularly. If you travel by train and live in South India, especially Mysore, Chennai or Bengaluru, you must know about the Vande Bharat Weekly Special Trains that will operate between Chennai and Mysore, via Bengaluru. Read further to know more about the Vande Bharat Weekly Special Trains Route, timings, dates and the reservation details..
Vande Bharat Weekly Special Trains On Wednesdays
As mentioned earlier, Vande Bharat Weekly Special Trains are to operate between Chennai and Mysore via Bengaluru. According to a statement issued by Southern Railway, to clear the extra rush, the train will operate on Wednesdays. The trains will depart and arrive at the desired stations on the same day.
Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat Express: Dates, Timings
The Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat Weekly Special Trains will operate on November 29, December 6, December 13, December 20 and December 27, 2023, i.e. every Wednesday till the end of the year. Train no. 06037 will leave the Dr MGR Chennai Central at 5:50 AM and will reach Mysore at 12:20 PM on the same day (five services), via Bengaluru; train no. 06038 will depart from Mysuru Jn at 1:05 PM and reach Dr MGR Chennai Central on 7:20 PM on the same day (five services).
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Chennai-Mysore Vande Bharat Express: Reservations
The reservations for both trains operating between Chennai and Mysore have not yet begun. However, the advanced reservation for these weekly special trains is set to open shortly; the trains are to comprise of a total of eight coaches.
About New Ajmer-Delhi Vande Bharat Express Train
The Railway Board has approved the extension of the Vande Bharat Express from Delhi to Chandigarh. The train will now run from Ajmer to Chandigarh via Jaipur. The Vande Bharat Express will depart from Ajmer at 6:55 AM and arrive in Chandigarh at 2:45 PM. The extension of the Vande Bharat Express is a welcome development for rail passengers in the region. It will provide a faster and more comfortable option for travel between Ajmer, Jaipur, and Chandigarh.