Dr. Jayashree Nagaraj Bhasgi, Senior Gynaecologist & Obstetrician, Fortis Hospital, Richmond Road, Bangalore speaks in details about whether or not irregular periods can have an effect on a woman’s heart health
Ovarian hormones play diverse roles in a woman’s health apart from the regulation of reproduction. Estrogen hormone influences neuroendocrine, skeletal, adipose and cardiovascular systems.
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Beginning from adolescence to the transition to menopause high levels of estrogen hormones maintain an equilibrium in health. Menopause and ageing break this as the protective effect of estrogen wanes thereby exposing the woman to risks of various health problems.
Estrogens are known to decrease cholesterol levels as they help in the oxidation of lipids rather than deposition. This protective effect is lost during the transition where the menstrual cycles are irregular and also during menopause. In the absence of estrogen, lipids tend to get deposited especially in blood vessels a condition called atherosclerosis- which causes the narrowing of the lumen of the vessel. There is a seven-fold increase in coronary artery sclerosis in menopause.
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Estrogen maintains the integrity of the blood vessels and helps in smooth functioning.
Estrogen hormone through various mechanisms helps in maintaining blood pressure. The prevalence of hypertension-related cardiovascular complications is greater in menopausal women.
Obesity is seen when there is a decline in estrogen levels. It is associated with decreasing concentrations of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidants which correlate with increased risks of heart and vascular disease.
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Premenopausal women exhibit enhanced capability of glucose metabolism. This advantage is lost in menopause in part owing to a reduction in circulating estrogen hormone resulting in Diabetes.
Diabetes, Hypertension, abnormal Cholesterol and Obesity constitute a syndrome called Metabolic syndrome and this predisposes the woman not only to cardiovascular disease but also to cancer of the breast and uterus.
Evidently, estrogen hormone plays a significant role in maintaining a woman’s health during her premenopausal time. It’s imperative that a woman maintains a healthy lifestyle and ideal weight during her menstruating years more so in the premenopausal period to defer the onset of diseases in menopausal years and to enjoy a quality life.