Daily Horoscope: Astrological prediction for June 28, 2023: Scorpio, you may have difficulty coping with the facts, possibly because they’re not clear, or perhaps because you don’t like what you hear.
Aquarius, your goal may be to persuade other people that you’re right, but figures in authority, such as employers, may be willing to listen to reason. Scorpio, you may have difficulty coping with the facts, possibly because they’re not clear, or perhaps because you don’t like what you hear.
ARIES (Mar 21 – Apr. 20)
So powerful are your social stars today that it would be a shame indeed if
circumstances force you into solitude or drudgery. Instead, take every
invitation to go along with the gang. You never know – a friend might offer you
the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.
TAURUS (Apr. 21 – May 21)
It’s an argumentative day, no doubt about that. Take a positive and fresh
approach, looking upon this as a perfect moment to clear the air and make
decisive choices. You should also realize that once you’ve committed yourself,
there may be no going back.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 21)
You are in control, but it won’t always be easy to maintain a commanding
position. Keep an especially close eye on all matters affecting the law,
morality or long-forgotten disputes at work. You might have some big secrets,
but whether now is the time to reveal them, only you can tell.
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CANCER (June 22 – July 23)
It’s a time for breaking and challenging taboos. Mind you, you might not be too
happy when other people offend your sensibilities. You’ll have a great deal on
your plate, most of it thrust at you by relations, partners, and dependants. So,
the last thing you want now is an unnecessary spat!
LEO (July 24 – Aug. 23)
The day’s little crises will either be connected to profound issues like deep,
buried emotional resentments, or purely superficial domestic questions, like
trouble with the plumbing. Do your utmost to bring about a real, secure, and
lasting agreement, whatever it takes.
VIRGO (Aug. 24 – Sept. 23)
There are bound to be one or two sharp words at work, and possibly a few
concerns about domestic matters as well. Actually, this is a useful time to
remember that a little worry here and there is the perfect spur toward long
overdue improvements.
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LIBRA (Sept. 24 – Oct. 23)
There are powerful planetary pressures urging you to gamble, perhaps to take an
emotional risk. Whatever the outcome, you should remember the old maxim that it
is more important to compete than to win. In other words, it’s traveling
that is helpful, rather than getting there!
SCORPIO (Oct. 24 – Nov. 22)
You may have difficulty coping with the facts, possibly because they’re not
clear, or perhaps because you don’t like what you hear. However, this may be one
occasion when people you live with, or are related to, may be speaking the
truth. That’s a pleasant surprise!
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 – Dec. 22)
The Moon’s challenge to your sign indicates that you can indeed ask for
assistance. The most important thing is to make every effort to talk about your
deepest hopes and fears, coming closer to understanding yourself in the process.
Once you’ve figured out your own motives you’ll be able to rearrange your
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CAPRICORN (Dec. 23 – Jan. 20)
Social costs could be rising, but financial commitments can be eased with a
little extra effort. Your best assets at the moment are quite probably a
determination to get your own way, together with your ability to make as many
friends as possible in the process.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 – Feb. 19)
Your goal may be to persuade other people that you’re right, but figures in
authority, such as employers, may be willing to listen to reason. You’ll need to
use all your wiles if you are to turn a reluctant rival into a willing
supporter. An old-fashioned leisure pursuit could be surprisingly enjoyable.
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PISCES (Feb. 20 – Mar 20)
You have a great deal going for you, and if you can possibly make a bid for the
high moral ground, you will definitely gain the advantage. More prosaically,
this is also a fine moment to make travel and holiday plans. A journey to
somewhere you’ve never been before could broaden your horizons.