Life Style

Bloating 101: 5 Expert-Backed Tips To Reduce The Digestive Troubles In Summer

There are several strategies to lessen bloating, variety including exercise, dietary modifications, massage, vitamins, and other methods. Here a few expert backed tips to relieve bloating naturally:

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Bloating in the abdomen occurs when the stomach feels tight and full. It frequently happens as a result of a gas accumulation anywhere in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Bloating makes the tummy appear bigger than usual and can make it hurt or feel painful. Bloating can be caused by constipation, dietary intolerances and allergies. Bloating pain may result from the big bowel being blocked up with stool. Additionally, extra gas may accumulate behind the stool, exacerbating the bloating. Nutritionist Rashi Chowdhary revealed five natural ways to ease bloating in hot weather.

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  1. Overcooking the veggies! This removes the lectins which cause the bloat and it’ll be easier on your gut this way.
  2. Adding ginger to this meal will help with debloating too. Add pickled ginger on top for better pre + probiotic qualities.
  3. Adding lemon on top will help you digest this better. Some of you struggle with Low hydrochloric acid which interferes with digestion, especially the protein in peas. Adding lemon aids digestion.
  4. If after doing all of this you STILL find it hard, try eating a smaller quantity of the same meal with the above three hacks.
  5. If you still don’t feel ok, you need to start thinking about why. If it’s sensitivity, reducing or eliminating is a good idea based on what else you’re struggling with. If another protein bloat you too, it’s a good idea to understand what’s going on with your overall HCL production.

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Bloating and swelling in the abdomen might indicate a serious medical isseven thoughthat they are uncommon. Bloating can be brought on by liver illness, inflammatory bowel disease, heart failure, renal issues, and some forms of cancer.

Days or weeks of persistent bloating may be a sign of a health problem that requires medical treatment. If you experience persistent bloating that does not go away with time, you should consult a doctor.

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