UAN is a 12-digit number provided to each member of EPFO.
EPFO stands for Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation. It is a statutory body under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. EPFO was established in 1952 under the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.
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As a member, you join EPF Scheme 1952 which is an investment instrument guaranteeing considerable corpus at the time of retirement. Contribution to this scheme is made by you and also by your employer.
One also becomes a member of Employees Pension Scheme 1995 and becomes eligible for receiving pension in your old age. You do not pay a single rupee towards contribution and the entire contribution is made by the employer and Government of India.
In addition, you automatically become a member of the Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme 1976 wherein insurance in the form of an amount linked to your PF balance is made available in the unfortunate event of death while in service.
Every EPF member is allotted a single permanent Universal Account Number (UAN) which can be used for availing benefits during his lifetime service.
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What is a Universal Account Number (UAN)?
UAN is a 12-digit number provided to each member of EPFO. The UAN acts as an umbrella for the multiple Member IDs allotted to an individual. This number acts as a pivot to link multiple Member Identification Numbers (Member Id) allotted to a single member under a single Universal Account Number. UAN duly seeded with KYC detail. This enables the member to avail various online services directly without the need for any intermediation by the employer.
How can a member activate UAN?
- Visit EPF Member Portal and click on “Activate UAN” OR UAN Activation under Employee Centric Services of EPFO on UMANG APP
- Select any one of the following – UAN, Member ID, Aadhaar or PAN.
- Fill additional details such as Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and Email ID and click on “Get Authorization PIN”
- An authorization PIN will be sent to the mobile number registered with EPFO
Enter this PIN and click on “Validate OTP and Activate UAN” - UAN will be activated and password will be sent to the member’s mobile. Now the member can log in to the unified member portal using his UAN and password. [Link:]
Read More: PF Withdraw Through UMANG App: Here’s Step-By-Step Guide For EPFO Members
How can an employee generate his UAN on his own?
- An employee can generate his UAN by visiting the unified member portal and clicking on “Direct UAN Allotment by Employees”.
- A valid Aadhaar number with registered mobile is prerequisite to avail this facility.
- Employees have to provide employment details to obtain UAN.
How can a member know UAN?
- Visit the unified member portal.
- Enter mobile number as per EPFO records.
- Click on the “Get Authorization Pin” option.
- A Pin will be sent to your mobile number registered with EPFO and enter the Pin.
- Enter the details such as name, Date of Birth as per EPFO records and select any
one of Aadhaar, PAN, Member Id and furnish the details then click “Show my UAN”.