EPFO E-Nomination: Keep the Aadhaar number and photo of the family member ready with you before you start filing.
Nomination is typically available for various financial products such as life insurance policies, bank accounts, mutual funds, provident funds and other investment instruments. It is important to review your nominations periodically to ensure that they reflect your current wishes, as changes in personal circumstances can affect your choice of beneficiaries.
Nomination is important in the financial sector because it helps ensure that your assets and investments are passed on to your chosen beneficiaries after your death.
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Why Nomination Is Important?
Nomination is important in EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization) because it helps to ensure that the accumulated funds in the employee’s Provident Fund (PF) account are disbursed to the rightful nominee(s) in the event of the employee’s death.
EPFO is a statutory body under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, that manages the provident fund, pension, and insurance schemes for the employees in the organized sector in India.
Under the EPF scheme, an employee and the employer contribute a certain percentage of the employee’s basic pay towards the PF account. The accumulated funds in the PF account are then paid to the employee at the time of retirement or to their nominee(s) in the event of the employee’s death.
EPFO E-Nomination
It must be noted that no last date is declared by EPFO for filing e-Nomination. Also e-Nomination is not mandatory for filing of advance claims.
Who Can Add E-Nomination In EPFO?
E-nomination facility is available with e-sign. Only Aadhaar verified UAN holders can file e-nomination. Facility is available only from the UAN based login of the member.
Since Aadhaar verification is a pre-condition, it means that name, date of birth and gender of the member against UAN is verified against his/ her Aadhaar.
Once the profile part is updated the link for filing e-nomination will open. Before you start filing it is better to check the following.
Read More: E-Passbook Facility For EPFO Subscribers: How To View EPF Passbook Online – Check Steps Here
Important Things To Note:
– If the member wants to nominate only a few family persons the member should add those family members.
-In case the member is married and has a spouse and children, he/she should add them even if he does not wish to nominate them under PF. Spouse and children are defined as family for the Pension Fund. So their names should be added to the family list.
-Keep the Aadhaar number and photo of the family member ready with you before you start filing.
Guidelines for uploading photograph:
The photo should be of max 100 KB size in jpeg format. It is advised that the clear image of the face should come in the photo uploaded.
– Only a member who is not married and is not having any of the family members as mentioned above may nominate any other person irrespective of relation for PF.
– Only a member not having a spouse or children can nominate a person for Pension Contribution.
– In case there is no spouse and no children then only the Pension Nomination link will open and member can nominate one person
Step Wise Process For E-nomination In EPFO?
- Add family members
- For each family member upload a photo and enter Aadhaar. Aadhaar data is verified against the name, date of birth and gender of the family member entered by the member. On successful verification only the family will be added.
- Bank account is not mandatory
- Once completed a PDF is generated and the PDF has to be e-signed by the member through Aadhaar linked mobile OTP authentication.
- E-nominations that are only filed and PDF not e-signed will not be considered for action in the event of the demise of the member. E-Nomination becomes complete only when the PDF is e-signed.
- A valid -nomination ensures that the family members can login through OTP on their Aadhaar linked mobile for filing online claims post death of the member.
Process To e-Sign
– Click on the E-sign link. After that a new page will be open. Select the checkbox. – On the next page, members have two options for Aadhaar Based e Authentication.
– Aadhaar number
– Virtual ID
Enter Aadhaar number / Virtual id and press verify button. After that an OTP will be sent to members’s Aadhaar-linked mobile number. On entering the OTP and then pressing the submit button, nomination details will be saved in the database of EPFO.
Steps to generate 16-digit Virtual ID if the member wants to e-sign against the VID:
– Visit the UIDAI website at uidai.gov.in
– Click on ‘Virtual ID (VID) Generator’ listed under Aadhaar Services
– Enter 12 digit Aadhaar number of member. Enter Captcha
– To get the OTP, click on ‘Send OTP’ and enter the OTP received on member’s registered mobile number
– It provides two options- to generate a new VID – retrieve the one you have already generated.
– Select one of the above options to receive the Aadhar Virtual ID[16- digit] on a member’s mobile number.
– If a member has already generated a VID and again clicks generate VID , he should enter the latest generated VID and not the one that was generated earlier.
– If the member enters the old VID but has already generated another one VID, the message will be from UIDAI stating that the VID entered has expired.