Dental Health: 5 Home Remedies to Treat Bad Breath

Dental Health: If you don’t brush and floss frequently, plaque, a thin layer of germs, forms on your teeth and the bacteria in your mouth keep multiplying. A plaque has a bad odour and can cause tooth decay, which is also an unpleasant process if it isn’t removed by brushing at least twice a day. Your breath could make it harder for you to communicate with others. The most common reasons for bad smells include coated tongues, tooth decay, gum disease, and inadequate oral hygiene. To help you maintain good dental hygiene, we’ve compiled a list of five simple home cures for foul breath.

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  1. Water: Dehydration is one of many factors, including others, that can cause dry mouth. Drinking water regularly is one of the most crucial strategies to avoid bad breath. If your mouth is moister, it will be easier to wash away bacteria that cause an unpleasant odour. Saliva assists in maintaining dental cleanliness and stops harmful bacteria from proliferating. This is quite helpful if you tend to wake up with morning breath.
  2. Yoghurt: Lactobacillus is a beneficial bacterium found in yoghurt. These healthy bacteria may aid your body in warding off pathogenic microbes outside of the stomach. Make sure your yoghurt contains less sugar, preferably plain or non-fat, as this can lessen bad breath. Probiotic yoghurt should be used instead of sugary yoghurt since sugar can organically support bacteria, which is a major cause of bad breath. Read More: 5 effective ways to lighten your dark circles naturally at home
  3. Fennel Seeds: Fennel seeds offer an aromatic essential oil with antibacterial properties that can improve your ability to breathe. The flavorful fennel seeds increase salivation, which helps to kill harmful bacteria. This component can also be used to make a palate-cleansing tea by mixing it with tea.
  4. Cloves: Cloves help freshen breath and fight bacteria that cause tooth decay. Simply sucking on or biting a few cloves a few times a day will instantly cleanse your breath. Cloves limit the bacteria from multiplying which causes bad breath and gradually eliminate it permanently.
  5. Green Tea: Green tea has various advantages for your oral hygiene. According to studies, the antioxidants in green tea work to combat a number of causes of bad breath. In particular, the polyphenols reduce the sulphur compounds and microorganisms that produce bad breath.

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