01/5Importance of spices in Vastu Shastra
Spices are always valuable in the kitchen, be they medically or spiritually. They not only add flavours to food but life too! In Vastu Shastra, there is the mention of certain herbs and spices which have had several uses in folklore and spirituality, while increasing the positive energy in an environment. You may choose to use them individually or you may choose to keep them in a small pouch inside your handbag or wallet. They can be kept anywhere for removing negative energies, be it at home or at work, these ingredients will remove obstacles and instantly create a positive ambience for you to steadily prosper. Not just that, but spices and herbs can be turned into a money multiplying object through Vastu Shastra too. If you don’t believe us, here is a list of spices that are often used in the Vastu Shastra for various remedies. Take a look.
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02/5Fennel and Clove
While one is too sweet and the other, too sharp in taste. These two spices have been used for ages by different communities across the world to ward off negativity. In many cultures, it is believed that tying a small pouch containing fennel and/or clove on your door is said to keep away ghosts and spirits. While fennel can help you sleep better if you keep it under your pillow, putting clove in your purse with you always can help you stay away from negativity always. Consuming fennel and clove improve clairvoyance, fertility, longevity, healing, memory, courage and strength.
03/5Garam Masala
Garam Masala is known to bring uniqueness to any dish with its aroma and flavour. However, as per Vastu Shastra, this spice can also help you attract wealth and success. All you need to do is, make a small packet of this spice and keep it in your wallet. You can also sprinkle the Garam Masala powder in the corners of your home or shop, which can become the reason for success. This spice brings in luck and money at home. To bring positivity to your inner soul, always add it to your food with a positive intention and it will do wonders for you.
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It is said that a stick of this sweet spice can help you in increasing your wealth. All you need to do is keep a stick of cinnamon in your purse or piggy bank to increase your savings. This spice brings healing, love, success and protection. It throws out vibrations of spirituality when use it. It is quick in its effect.
05/5Mint leaves
This herb is an excellent way to gain some wealth in your life according to Vastu. All it requires is to rub the mint leaves with their bills for multiplying money. Not just that, but you can keep 2-3 leaves in your wallet or chequebook. Their fragrance will make you feel powerful. The herb cum spice brings strength and good health. They make your investments successful and safe. The colour of this spice can be taken as Green money thus adding more wealth.