Rusk Side Effects: Have you ever had rusk with tea? Rusk consumption with a steaming cup of morning tea is a regular habit in the majority of Indian households. However, experts believe that this traditional combination is secretly harming your health. Did you know that rusks have extra gluten, processed flour, and sugar, none of which are considered to be healthy? Here are some stunning explanations for why your beloved toast may NOT be the best choice for your health.
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- Rusks, contain a lot of gluten, which is challenging for the body to digest. Rusks must be avoided by those with Celiac disease since they occasionally exacerbate the discomfort by producing bloating, pain, and diarrhoea.
- Rusk contains a significant amount of sugar, which raises blood sugar levels. Serious disorders like diabetes can result from this.
- Rusk, which contains flour, can be detrimental to your health and can harm your digestive system when consumed regularly. Read More: Common Symptoms Of Lung Diseases That We Should Not Ignore
- Rusk can raise blood pressure and cholesterol levels, which raises the risk of heart attack and stroke when consumed.
- Rusk increases the risk of intestinal blisters, which can in turn cause bloating, indigestion, poor digestion, constipation, and a host of other issues.
- Rusk is high in carbohydrates, and when combined with milk tea, it can raise triglyceride levels, alter metabolic health, and cause obesity and an increased risk of heart problems.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for general knowledge. You must seek medical counsel before using it.
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