01/7Simples Vastu rules to keep tawa in the kitchen
Vastu Shastra plays an important part in correcting your life and making it peaceful. There are so many simple rules, which if you adopt them in your life can bring peace in harmony to your home. It is said that the kitchen is the ‘heart of your home’ and thus one should keep it tidy and clean. Today, we will talk about one of the important cooking utensils, which if you place them in the wrong direction can bring ill effects on the family. Read more to find out about it. (Images courtesy: canva)
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02/7Which cooking utensil is important?
It’s none other than – Tawa or pan. It’s an essential part of Indian cooking as we make Roti, Paratha, Cheela and so many dishes with it. But, do you know placing it in the wrong direction or place directly impacts the financial condition of your house? Here are some simple rules and tips that you must follow for prosperity in the house.
03/7Keep on right
It is believed in the Vastu Shastra that irrespective of the burner you are using the tawa on, always keep it on the right side of your gas hidden below the gas or behind it.
04/7Keep it clean
Vastu experts also believe that the pan should always be cleaned after cooking. To clean it in the right manner, it is also believed that the tawa should be cleaned after soaking and not immediately. It helps in cleaning it much better. You can also pour some salt with lemon juice over the tawa and soak the tawa. It will come out like new every time you do it. Also in astrology, it is believed that cleaning the tawa at night can improve the Rahu of the house.
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05/7Hide it
It has become fashionable these days to display your pans in different areas of your kitchen. However, if Vastu experts are to be believed then it should never be displayed in the open and should be kept hidden from everyone’s eyes and keeping a pan in the open is considered inauspicious.
06/7Never keep it empty
It is also believed that the taw should never be kept empty on the gas. When you are done cooking on it, put it aside on the shelf or somewhere near the gas and let it cool down. Empty tawa means deteriorating the wealth of your home.
07/7Astrological tips
To improve the health of your family members and the wealth of your house, make sure that you sprinkle a little salt on the tawa before starting to cook Roti. This will help a lot and a person will be able to see the changes in a few days. Also, to calm down Rahu – the planet of obstruction and distress, make sure to sprinkle a few drops of milk at night before sleeping. This will show immediate effects in your home and there will be peace and prosperity.