With WhatsApp rolling out more updates for the security and addition of new features, Telegram, another instant messaging platform, has rolled out an update with some features under it. The users will now be able to create a new telegram account without having their hands on the SIM card.
Unlike the other instant messaging platforms, Telegram has announced that the user will be able to enrol themselves without having a SIM card. The company has announced that it would be using blockchain-powered anonymous numbers which will be available for all the users.
Additionally, the platform will now allow its users to enable the ‘Auto-Delete’ feature. With this, the user can customise their chats by opting to delete all the conversations within a limited time frame, be it 1 day, 1 week, or 1 month. The features seem similar to the ones that Snapchat offers. By enabling this feature from the settings, all messages in the chat will automatically get deleted.
With a recent update, the company has ensured that users won’t encounter any spammers in light of the rising number of spammers. By turning on the feature, a user can eliminate spam because the algorithm will identify it (in messages or other media) and delete it automatically.
The feature will be a better choice for group administrators who oversee a group with more than 200 members. From their Recent Actions tab, administrators will be able to report and make false statements.
Furthermore, even if a user doesn’t have a username or public profile, users of the platform can still create a temporary QR code. Others will be able to automatically add them by scanning the code without even knowing their phone numbers.