Until now, it was mandatory to have a phone number to sign-up for Telegram. With the latest update, Telegram has simplified the sign-up process, allowing users to get into Telegram without a phone number, and this feature makes use of blockchain technology that is primarily used on NFTs and cryptocurrency.
With the latest update, users can onboard into Telegram with the help of blockchain technology. Users can now create a new Telegram account using the Fragment platform, which randomly allocates a virtual phone number created using blockchain technology. Do note that, everything happens within the Telegram app, making it an easy sign-up process.
Along with this major change, the latest Telegram update has also added several other features such as the global auto-delete timer option, which allows users to automatically set a timer for messages to auto-delete chats. This can be configured from settings > privacy and security > auto-delete message menu.
The latest update also introduces new settings options for group admins, which allows them to enable aggressive mode, which automatically filters spam messages using AI, and this feature is available for groups that have over 200 members.
For added security, Telegram has also introduced temporary QR codes, which are useful for those who want to hide their identity on the app (like user name and phone number) but still want other users to discover and chat with them. The latest update also introduced emoji search on iPhones and iPads, which was recently made available on Android devices.
How to get these features?
Go to Google Play Store or Apple App Store and update the Telegram app to the latest available version to get these new features on your smartphone. Telegram is an instant messaging platform that has both a free tier and a premium subscription tier with an ad-free user experience. Users can also enable (manually) end-to-end encryption to make their texts more secure and Telegram also allows users to make voice and video calls for free.