Rectangular and square mirrors are generally used in houses, which are perfectly fine according to Vastu. Whereas round-shaped and edged glass should never be used in the house.
Keeping a mirror in the right direction in the house gives auspicious results. Although the mirror is meant to beautify the house, but by putting it in the right direction, it can also change your luck. By placing a mirror in the right direction, the Vastu defect from the house is reduced.
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Rectangular and square mirrors are generally used in houses, which are perfectly fine according to Vastu. Whereas round-shaped and edged glass should never be used in the house. Instead of round, you can put octagonal, that is, an eight-cornered mirror.
By placing a pointed-shaped mirror, there is negativity in the house and trouble remains. To place a mirror in the house, the north-east direction should be chosen. By placing a mirror in this direction, the problems gradually go away on their own. Hope you will definitely fix the Vastu of your house by adopting this Vastu remedy.