Vastu Shastra: Know for what purpose, what type or shape of Laughing Buddha should be kept at home or office to fulfil several purposes from Acharya Indu Prakash.
- Keep a statue of Laughing Buddha with both hands raised in your shop or office
- This will reduce your business related problems gradually
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Vastu Shastra: Know about Laughing Buddha from Indu Prakash in Vastu Shastra today. Know for what purpose, to fulfil which purpose, what type or shape of Laughing Buddha should be kept in-home or office?
There are many types of Laughing Buddha available in the market in different designs and sizes, but which one will be right for you, which Laughing Buddha suits your problems, know everything here.
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If your business is not going well, your financial condition remains erratic, that is, you are constantly incurring losses related to money, then you should keep a statue of Laughing Buddha with both hands raised in your shop or office. With this, your business-related problems will gradually reduce.