Priyanka Chopra made heads turn at a pre-Oscars event wearing a sexy black saree. Check out the diva slay her saree looks like a true desi girl.
Priyanka Chopra is raising temperature with her sizzling look in a black saree while hosting a pre-Oscars event. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra slays it with style in stunning sarees. Here’s a glimpse into some of her gorgeous saree moments. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra looks sultry in the ruffled saree with the racy blouse. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra is a picture of elegance in the pastel pink saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra looks spring ready in the floral-printed saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra dazzles in the shimmering saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra gives retro vibes in the polka dotted saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra looks like a dream in the blue silk saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra looks graceful in the pale yellow handloom saree. (Image: Instagram)
Priyanka Chopra looks hot in the plain red chiffon saree. (Image: Instagram)