Horoscope Today, November 10, 2021: Taurus, be prepared for romance today. Gemini, avoid throwing a tantrum when your patience is tested.
Today on Wednesday, November 10, Aries natural craving and powerful sense of initiative may be challenged, while a romantic day is on the cards for Taurus. Gemini, avoid throwing a tantrum when your patience is tested. Take credit for the ideas you initiate, Cancer. Keep an open mind, Leo. Virgo, go looking for an intellectual challenge. Libra, greet the new possibilities as the air is finally getting clear. Scorpio, channel your boldness now to get what you deserve. Sagittarius, enjoy some restraint. Capricorn treat yourself for all the hard work and indulge without guilt. Aquarius, boredom is a rare occasion, embrace it. Pisces, it is important for you to express your love.
Aries should embrace a realistic mindset
Your natural craving and powerful sense of initiative may be challenged today. The cosmos slam the brakes on important plans, related to your sense of community and long-term goals. Aim to respond at a slower pace and embrace a realistic mindset. Mars rules your sign and numbers 1 and 8 enhance your luck. Alphabets A, L and E and colours red and orange will be helpful in your success.
Taurus must prefer to keep the peace
Instead of ruffling feathers, prefer to keep the peace. An uncomfortable pairing in the sky will frustrate existing partnerships. Tensions around career goals and collaborations are likely to emerge. Don’t be consumed by the discomfort, just acknowledge it. Numbers 2 and 7 favour your sign ruled by Venus. Things can turn around for you by incorporating alphabets V, U and B and white colour.
Gemini should adopt a serious mindset
It may get difficult to cultivate your playful approach to life. The cosmos is locked in intensifying the frustration. The planetary alignment is likely to upset work circumstances, travel and educational plans. Adopt a serious mindset and refrain from being overtaken by pessimism. Let alphabets C, K and G and yellow colour prove lucky for you. Mercury rules your sign and the numbers 3 and 6 will be your guiding light.
Cancer must acknowledge the obstacles
Frustrations are running high under the skies. This cosmos brings things to a halt, especially your sense of fun, creative passions, and sex life. Acknowledge the obstacles in your way rather than needlessly blow things up. Moon rules your sign and number 4 will add the midas touch. Milky white colour and alphabets D and H and will provide support.
Give yourself space, Leo
Life is creeping to a halt so give yourself space to navigate without needing to wrestle for control. The cosmos is likely to slow down plans while brewing up heavy moods and especially when it comes to home and close relationships. Sun rules your sign and number 5 should turn things around for you. Golden colour and Alphabets M and T are likely to turn out favourable.
Virgo should step out of comfort zone
The ongoing planetary alignment is working to provide a welcome boost of energy and increase your need for action-taking. Potent releases on the creative front or romantic interests are likely. The stars encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. Alphabets T, P and N and numbers 3 and 8 will be your guiding light. The green hue adds the midas touch as Mercury rules your sign.
Re-Examine your ongoing course of action, Libra
The stars are less than pleasant, casting a heavy atmosphere on the day. These challenging alignments are likely to halt plans, especially those concerning creative potency, romantic relationships and finances. Slow down and re-examine your ongoing course of action. Venus rules your sign so alphabets T and R and numbers 2 and 7 will provide support. Light colours will prove lucky.
Scorpio, slow your pace and reassess
The stars are likely to pose an unsettling difficult landscape to throw you for a loop. The current planetary alignment is likely to illuminate your weak points, especially related to family concerns and independent action. Slow your pace and reassess for things to get better. Mars rules your sign so bright colours should turn out favourable. Alphabets Y and N and numbers 1 and 8 are likely to turn things around for you.
Sagittarius should re-evaluate their current circumstances
You are being urged to re-evaluate your current circumstances and take a beat. Communication concerns and mental health should be at the forefront of your awareness. The current planetary alignment can bring plans to a stop for re-assessment. Alphabets D, P, B and numbers 9 and 12 will be your guiding light. Jupiter rules your sign and the yellow colour will help you in your endeavours.
Deep Colours Will Bring You Good Luck, Capricorn
The current planetary alignment is likely to illuminate frustrations between your sense of self-confidence and your aspirations while increasing your impulsiveness. Work to acknowledge blockages on your path without flying off the handle. Let luck be by your side with numbers like 11 and 10 and alphabets J and K. Saturn is ruling your sign and deep colours will bring you good luck.
Aquarius should find an outlet for your excess energy
You are presented with some challenging terrain to navigate. The potent cosmic duo will illustrate flaws in your plans, especially concerns around meeting your personal needs and accomplishing your ambitions. Find an outlet for your excess energy, lest you explode. Saturn rules your sign so alphabets S and G are likely to turn things around for you. Numbers 10 and 11 and deep colours should turn out favourable.
Examine what needs altering, Pisces
It’s best to deal with your feelings behind closed doors. The melancholic, pessimistic cosmic landscape can fire up frustrations, deflate moods. You can also get help to examine what needs altering around your life plan. Numbers 9 and 12 and the yellow colour adds the midas touch. Jupiter rules your sign so alphabets C, D, J, and T will be your guiding light.